Be Kind Today

Whether you believe you can, or whether you believe you cannot, you are absolutely right...

Ser Feliz

Smile to a stranger, lend a listening ear, take care to say thank you. It is easy to offer a simple act of kindness...

Why Be Kind?

We find ourselves in A world where we crash, one into the other. If life is kind, we smile, we eat well, we are warm and healthy. If we find ourselves in an unforgiving place, through misfortune, stupidity, or the action or inaction of others, life can be hard.

The most powerful quality of kindness is its transforming nature. Those who are kind feel better about the world and their place in it. Those who receive kindness, even those smallest of gestures, are also given hope. Hope in others, hope to continue.

When we are in the sole company of another for any length of time, we may resist their kindness as we make judgements about their motivation and intentions. I wonder how much good is lost by this.

When I show kindness, things can get complicated as the recipient may ask for more than I am comfortable giving. Perhaps we are well aware that with kindness comes risk, and because of this we should view those who are most kind as showing most courage.

Do not leave this page without agreeing to yourself that today, this day, you will perform at least one act of kindness.

"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single one, and the life of the candle is not shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared" Siddhārtha Gautama

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